Diy ant

Do DIY Ant Treatments Really Work?

If you have ants in your home, you may be wondering whether DIY ant treatments really work. In fact, these homemade treatments may have more benefits than you think. For example, they may keep ants out of your home, but you still need to be diligent in applying them. Dry and liquid repellents must be consistently reapplied to be effective. Read on for some simple DIY ant treatment ideas. Let us explore their effectiveness, and also get our pest control services for ant treatment.

Baking soda

If you’re trying to get rid of ants on your property, a homemade solution that uses baking soda is a great way to kill ants. Most species of ants love sugar and will be attracted to a baking soda solution. But baking soda can’t kill ants instantly. The problem is that the ants can carry the baking soda back to their colony. If you’re using this DIY ant treatment, you should make sure you find the nest first.

Adding baking soda to a garden compost pile can attract ants and direct them there. However, you should use caution when using baking soda on outdoor compost piles because it can poison ants. However, baking soda has zero scientific evidence to support its claims, and it can affect individual ants. For best results, you should use a mixture of baking soda with water. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and use them as directed.

Diatomaceous earth

Insects such as ants can be an enormous problem around the house. They love to colonize on your counters and in your cat’s food, so finding an effective DIY ant treatment is essential. Diatomaceous earth is a natural, non-toxic solution to your ant problem. This natural product will stick to the ants’ legs and feet, killing them and preventing them from returning. It can also be sprinkled around the perimeter of your home to discourage them from crossing your walls.

The most common way to apply diatomaceous earth is to scatter it around the base of houseplants. It is a natural, safe way to eliminate ants and other pests without damaging plants. However, you should not use it indoors, as it may clog your vacuum cleaner. This natural remedy comes from fossilized diatoms that have decayed and become dust. To use it safely, read the label carefully before spraying your plants or securing them with diatomaceous earth.


When it comes to DIY Ant Treatments with Borax, there are a few things to keep in mind. The main thing is patience. Borax is a slow-acting solution, so you must assume that it will make its way into the colony and take effect gradually. You should also keep in mind that it is toxic to humans and pets, so you must be patient and not disturb the colony for too long.

To make the best mixture, mix one part of Borax with three parts of sugar. This mixture can be spread around your home and will kill the entire colony. You can also spread it outside and use it to cover ant hills. Borax and sugar can also be mixed together using hot water to make a paste. This paste should be kept in a plastic container and can be used as needed. If you have a big infestation, you can also use these DIY Ant Treatments with Borax to control the ants in your home.


DIY Ant Treatments with tape are an easy way to get rid of ants in your home. These natural methods can kill ants without harming your pets and can be applied in places where your pets cannot reach them. You can use tape to block an entry point, or you can apply pea-sized amounts of pesticide to a piece of masking tape. Remember to tape the sides down as ants tend to follow the edges of things and they’ll eat the sticky substance next to them.

Putting sticky barriers on trees can be effective, but you should make sure the material stays in place. It works better above the water level than on the ground. You should keep stirring it up every week or so. You don’t want to let the material get too clogged, so you should remove any dead ants first. This could cause damage to plants. Wrapping tree trunks with tape will also prevent damage caused by girdling.

Lemon eucalyptus oil

You can make your own natural ant repellent by using the essential oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. You can apply it externally or diffuse it with a diffuser. It contains the active ingredient, PMD (para-menthane-3,8-diol). Commercial products contain 30 percent OLE and 20 percent synthetic PMD, which are both effective insect repellents. These ingredients are safe and effective alternatives to synthetic insecticides like DEET and picaridin.

To make DIY ant repellents, you can combine lemon eucalyptus oil with a few drops of water. Then, spray the mixture on the infected areas. To get rid of these little creatures, you can also use cotton balls soaked in oil. Remember, though, to keep it safe for children and pets, don’t put it directly on the ants’ faces. Another DIY ant repellent is cinnamon. Combine cinnamon and 15 drops of cinnamon bark essential oil in a water and vinegar solution. Place the mixture on windowsills and doors to keep out ants.


Many home remedies for ants use cinnamon. The scent of cinnamon deters ants and many other insects, such as silverfish and mosquitoes. In addition, you can add cinnamon oil to sunscreen to keep ants away from your home. Apply the solution to the ant trails and let the cinnamon sit for a couple of hours before you can check your home again. Then, follow the directions on the packaging to get rid of ants as fast as possible.

To use cinnamon as an ant repellent, mix a few drops of the spice with two parts of water. Spray the mixture onto cracks, windows, and doors. You can also place cinnamon sticks in areas known to be infested by ants. While using the cinnamon DIY ant treatment may not be a viable option for every situation, it’s worth a try. You may be surprised at the results.

Also Read: Are Carpenter Ants Dangerous to Human Health?

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